Some say spring arrives when the forsythia sprouts their memorable, yellow flowers reaching into the blue sky. Chunky sweaters are tucked away into winter closets. The sun rides high and the mop head hydrangea sprout tiny green blooms that grow into a baby blue, pink, and purple cacophony of color. These are some of the glorious signs that spring has sprung.
Just as obvious are the regular sightings of lawn services trucks replete with mowers, fertilization equipment, edgers, and the occasional aerator. Landscapers fill the roadways as they prepare properties for a growing season of greenery. Some do-it-yourselfers love to crank up their own equipment but that doesn’t deter the lawn guys from their search to acquire new customers. While these signs of spring are well known by most of us, what’s less obvious are the business operations that fuel the start of this busy season. Gardening and nursery centers stock mulch, pebbles, pots, and plants. Lawn services companies prospect for new business. Truckloads of flowers and fertilizer are routed to specific locations. Sales teams walk new paths in search of more customers while service crews do what they do best — groom, plant, clean, and prune — as fast as they can.
New forms of technology support this business and service ecosystem allowing for economies of scale and the ability to win business faster. Some lawn and landscape companies use satellite imagery to estimate and quote. But the blurry property boundaries and presence of tree canopies obscure their view. More recently, drones have been used to visualize landscapes. But those annoying mechanical birds are flown over smaller, localized areas with image processing lurking as a necessary next step. The most important new form of location content for lawn and landscape companies is aerial maps — current, clear, changing aerial photography consistently captured from planes flying through clear skies at 10,000 to 18,000 feet.
Aerial maps, or aerial photography as it’s sometimes known, provide remarkable detail for ground features including surface area, pools, fences, decks, and vegetation of varying heights. Lawn and landscape companies (along with other types of businesses that service commercial or residential properties) are rapidly adopting this technology. Aerial maps are accessible in the cloud. Just log into your PC or tablet and start seeing the details. There’s no need to travel on-site or attempt to interpret dated satellite imagery. You can prospect for new business across a wide area instantly without the need to fly a drone. This “reality-as-a service” allows you to scale operations faster than ever before from the comfort of your home or office—every month, every minute. Nearmap high-resolution aerial maps allow lawn and landscape professionals to see the details without having to travel on-site. Here’s a recent aerial image captured on January 15th from Durham, NC: