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Real Estate Assessments

Working with a Wide-Scale Aerial View

The City of Melrose, Massachusetts uses Nearmap to assess the value of residential and commercial properties across the city.

“We are using Nearmap imagery to save time and return money back to the office to handle properties when they are building, and not just when we think they are building.”

Chris WilcockChief Assessor, Melrose
Frequently refreshed aerial imagery is essential for keeping pace with fast-growing communities, such as Melrose, Massachusetts.
Nearmap conducts surveys of Melrose three times per year to keep the city reliably up-to-date, and that’s particularly important for the city’s assessors.
These days, every property assessment in Melrose starts with a remote inspection. It’s the cornerstone of a transformed workflow that is saving the community time and money.

The Challenge at a glance

Remote Property Inspection for Efficiency

Before using Nearmap, it took 30-40 minutes for assessors in Melrose to physically inspect each property and, with 10,000 parcels of land in their remit, that time was really adding up. They needed to find a more efficient way to get the job done without cutting corners.
“We still need to visit every property, but Nearmap allows us do the initial assessment in the office,” Chief Assessor Chris Wilcock said.

The Solution at a glance

Doing More from the Desk

Nearmap gives Wilcock and his office the ability to analyse a house and its location. “A lot of the verification I would otherwise do from the field I can do from a desktop review now.”
This means the office can review more properties, and while Nearmap doesn’t stop the team from having to go into the field, it means the team is more productive.
“If I can validate 60 percent of the property data from my desk it makes my time in the field a lot more productive and cost effective,” Wilcock said.

Business Impact

A Refreshing Approach to Remote Inspections

Using Nearmap for an initial remote assessment has cut time on site for Melrose assessors dramatically, with physical assessments reduced to 5-15 minutes.
Assessors gather much of the detail they need before stepping foot on site. They can inspect and measure structures with high-resolution detail, as well as check for changes to a property over time with the vast library of historic Nearmap imagery at their fingertips.
Date-stamped imagery helps identify the properties where they should focus attention and cuts down on wasted trips to sites where construction has not yet begun.